
60% of Americans struggle with chronic disease

60% of American adults struggle with
at least one chronic condition

and nearly 50% of Americans have multiple chronic conditions (MCC). These numbers are growing at an alarming pace. Simply masking symptoms will only prolong the inevitable & can even make things worse in the long run. Prevention & behavior+lifestyle choices can positively change the trajectory of our long-term health & wellness. The current healthcare model is reaching its breaking point. And the continued focus on treating "parts" of the person separately, rather than the person as a whole, is not serving us or the system well.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to just live longer ...
I want to live healthier longer,
so I can enjoy more quality time with my loved ones.

The goal is to enjoy a longer healthspan, not simply strive for a longer lifespan.

Elephant Blind Men Fable

Healthcare today can feel be a bit like the blind men & the elephant fable. In this fable, a group of blind men approach an elephant, each touching a different part of the animal. The blind men make decisions based only on the part they are touching, with one insisting that it is a snake (the trunk), another that it is a tree (a leg), another a spear (the tusk) and another a rope (the tail). So many of us spend too many years bouncing between different specialties only to find ourselves further down the dis-ease path.

+ for those that have been betrayed, betrayal is one of the most painful experiences we can have;
impacting us physically, mentally & emotionally

while we may want to numb, avoid & distract in the wake of betrayal, we cannot count on time or a new relationship to heal us healing is something we need to work on & if we  don’t, we'll see that unhealed betrayal showing up in our health, our work & our relationships over & over until we do. 

change can be challenging on our own

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...having someone in your corner can make all the difference

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